
General Information

Typical areas of application

In the face, it is mostly the forehead, the frown line (glabella) and the so-called crow's feet (lateral area around the eyes). Furthermore, botulinum toxin can be used to treat excessive sweating and it also helps with migraines.

Will my face look like a mask?

No. Great care is taken to dose the effect correctly. It is better to leave a certain residual activity of the mimic musculature instead of creating a petrified face.
Likewise, the undesirable effect of the laterally raised eyebrow (Spock) can be avoided by a targeted post-injection.

What does the procedure entail exactly?

First, there is a short conversation between the patient and the surgeon, in order for them to get to know each other. Here, the goals and expectations are formulated. This is followed by a small photo documentation and a risk disclosure. Once everything has been discussed, the actual treatment begins. Finally, a cooling bag is placed on the treated area and there is time to rest a bit more.