Maxillofacial surgery in 1060 Vienna

Wisdom tooth removal Vienna

Does your wisdom tooth keep hurting or becoming inflamed? During an initial examination, we can determine whether the wisdom tooth needs to be removed. Oral surgeon Dr. Dr. Felix Wick will be happy to advise you in detail about wisdom tooth removal at our dental practice in 1060 Vienna: Click here to book an appointment online.

When does a wisdom tooth need to be removed?

Good news first: most wisdom teeth can be removed in an uncomplicated, short operation under local anesthesia.

The removal of wisdom teeth is a procedure that many people will need at some point. While some lucky people have no problems with their wisdom teeth, others develop various complaints that make extraction necessary. Dr. Dr. Felix Wick can only determine whether a wisdom tooth needs to be removed during a thorough examination in our practice.

In general, wisdom tooth surgery is indicated in the following cases:


Impacted wisdom tooth

If the jaw does not provide enough space for the wisdom teeth, they can become wedged in the jawbone, grow at an angle or only partially break through. In this case, we speak of an impacted wisdom tooth. This can lead to pain and recurring inflammation, as well as affecting the surrounding gums and other teeth. In the worst cases, cysts can form, infections can occur and even damage to the surrounding bone structures and neighboring teeth can occur. In such cases, removal of the wisdom teeth is unavoidable in order to prevent possible long-term complications.


How is an impacted wisdom tooth removed?

The removal of an impacted wisdom tooth that has not fully erupted into the oral cavity is carried out surgically. The oral surgeon then makes an incision in the gum to gain access to the tooth and, if necessary, removes bone tissue. The wisdom tooth is carefully loosened and, if necessary, broken down into smaller pieces to facilitate extraction.


Other reasons for wisdom tooth removal

  • The wisdom tooth repeatedly becomes inflamed and causes pain
  • The wisdom tooth is affected by caries
    Cysts form around the wisdom tooth
  • In some cases, the removal of wisdom teeth is also necessary as part of tooth adjustments (e.g. with invisible braces) in order to create space for the remaining teeth.


Until when should wisdom teeth be removed?

As a rough guide, most wisdom teeth that do not reach the level of the general chewing plane (= retained tooth) should be removed by the age of 30 in order to prevent potential infections and other problems later on.

Does every wisdom tooth have to be removed?

No, not every wisdom tooth needs to be removed. The decision depends on various factors, such as the position and alignment of the teeth, the space in the jaw and the general health of the mouth. If wisdom teeth are correctly aligned and do not lead to space problems or health complications, they can often be left in place. However, an individual assessment by a dentist or oral surgeon is essential to make the best decision for each individual case: Make an appointment with Dr. Dr. Felix Wick

This is how wisdom teeth removal works in our practice in Vienna

  1. Initial examination: Before removing wisdom teeth, Dr. Dr. Felix Wick carries out a thorough examination and takes x-rays. Sometimes a 3D X-ray must also be taken. This helps the dentist or oral surgeon to assess the exact location of the wisdom teeth in the jaw. Depending on the complexity of the procedure, we give our patients preparation instructions before removal, for example regarding food intake or medication.
  2. Anesthesia options: The choice of anesthesia depends on the complexity of the case and the patient's personal preferences. There are three options: local anesthesia (with relaxation drops if desired), general anesthesia by the anesthesiologist in our practice or treatment under general anesthesia in hospital. You can find more information here: Treatments under anesthesia
  3. Extraction (removal) of the wisdom tooth: If the wisdom tooth has not fully erupted, the dentist or oral surgeon makes an incision in the gum to expose the tooth. The tooth is carefully loosened from the jawbone. If necessary, it is divided into smaller pieces to make removal easier.
  4. Sutures: The wound is usually closed with sutures to promote healing. The sutures usually dissolve after a few days or are removed during a follow-up examination.
  5. Comprehensive aftercare: Appropriate aftercare is important following removal. You may experience swelling or pain in the first few days after the procedure. As part of the treatments, we will of course provide you with comprehensive information about the healing process.
    Please note: Following the instructions regarding oral hygiene, taking painkillers and diet as well as smoking cessation is crucial to ensure optimal healing!

What risks and complications can occur during wisdom tooth surgery?

Although wisdom tooth surgery is a quick and safe procedure in most cases, complications can occur as with all medical treatments. These include infection, bleeding and temporary swelling. Dr. Dr. Felix Wick will inform you in detail about all possible risks and the course of treatment and aftercare in a comprehensive consultation.

Frequently asked questions about wisdom teeth removal

How long does wisdom tooth surgery take?

Wisdom tooth surgery takes an average of 10-15 minutes per tooth. Provided there are no special circumstances, this time, including suturing, is almost always adhered to.


When can I eat again after my wisdom tooth surgery?

After wisdom tooth surgery, you can usually eat soft, cool food after a few hours; we recommend porridge and soup for the first two days. Avoid hot, spicy or hard food for a few days.


How can I support the healing process myself?

It is best to follow our post-operative instructions: No sport, take it easy physically, rinse with sage tea after eating, take your medication as prescribed, do not smoke and avoid sun and heat. If you follow these instructions, your body will be able to do its part in healing the wound undisturbed. 


When can I return to sports after wisdom teeth removal?

For an optimal healing process, patients should refrain from sport and physical exertion for about two weeks. If the healing process is going particularly well, almost everything is often possible again after just one week.


When can I go back to the office or work after wisdom tooth surgery?

This depends on your job: people who mainly do light physical work, such as office work, can usually return to work the next day or the day after. Patients with physically demanding jobs should take a week's sick leave.


How much does it cost to have wisdom teeth extracted?

You will be informed in detail about the costs during the initial consultation. We generally follow the autonomous fee guidelines of the Austrian Dental Association.


Is wisdom teeth extraction covered by health insurance?

The removal of wisdom teeth is partly covered by health insurance. They will reimburse part of the treatment costs. If you pay directly at our practice on the day of the procedure, we will be happy to take care of the formalities of submitting the claim to your health insurance company for you.


Which dentist can extract wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth can be removed by a general dentist or a specialized oral surgeon. The choice depends on the complexity of the case. An oral surgeon is often preferred for complicated extractions. Many dentists therefore refer their patients to specialists in oral and maxillofacial surgery.

How long does it take for wisdom teeth to come in?

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last teeth in the mouth and usually erupt between the late teens and early twenties. However, many wisdom teeth never reach the level of the general chewing plane or remain in the jawbone altogether.